Eva T. vs. the Bottle

I am having surgery in about a week so my exclusively breastfed baby is having to learn how to take a bottle…   Sure, mom! I’ll try anything once!       You know what? I got this.     Wait. No. I don’t. What is happening??     Um. Sure, we can try again. […]

Friday the 13th/Father’s Day

In honor of Father’s Day, I’m dedicating this post to the firefighter.   Friday evening the firefighter called to me to join him outside. He was so excited to share something. I rushed out to find him gazing at the moon rising. The moon was gianormous and red. Blood red. We could hear a pack […]

Adventures in Being an Introvert

I have mentioned before that I am an introvert. And someday I might write a poignant post all about the angst, the depth, and the beauty of introverted people. But not today. Today let’s just bask in the awkwardness, shall we? Situation 1: I have a friend (that is noteworthy for an introvert) who is […]

When the Thought Doesn’t Count

This morning I called the firefighter. There was a dang tractor rolling all up and down our land. I was wondering if I needed to go out there in my pjs, with Eva Tennessee on my hip, brandishing a rifle, hollering at him “You best git offa my land or we kin both see what […]